Thursday, September 9, 2010

Get Your GREEN ON -- This Saturday!

Folks, it's time we made a "statement" beyond the student section inside Notre Dame Stadium. We have a school coming in that has similar colors to ours "Maize is not GOLD" -- that also has an Adidas contract. Our team apparel is from the same designer -- so, if you wear your blue, white or gold shirts in the stands -- you might be mistaken for one of "those guys." Remember when Nebraska came to town a few years ago and the statement their fans made with all of the red they wore in Notre Dame Stadium? THIS IS OUR HOUSE -- get your GREEN ON inside Notre Dame Stadium this Saturday! Let's force ESPN's Sports Center to talk about "ALL OF THE FANS WEARING GREEN at Notre Dame Stadium" -- when they show their post game coverage of our victory over Michigan! It's time to let the world know that not only are the FIGHTING IRISH BACK -- but so are their MILLIONS OF FANS! GET YOUR GREEN ON!

Michigan Week: Irish Roll in Rain!

The weather man isn't giving us the greatest of forecasts for this Saturday's game against Michigan -- so I decided to bring out the video of the last time the Wolverines came to Notre Dame Stadium. If you recall -- it poured -- and we rolled over Michigan 35-17! Here's a link to a video of the 2008 game:


His Grandpa Was Smiling in Heaven...

The University of Notre Dame's Leprchaun, David Zimmer, grew up in a family of Purdue grads and fans. In fact, "Diz" spent his first year in college at Purdue, after not being accepted into ND out of high school. Zimmer applied again after his freshman year and was accepted -- transferring into Notre Dame his sophomore year. It was Diz's Grandpa who had always encouraged him to attend Notre Dame, and when Zimmer received the news that he was going to be Irish -- the first call was to Grandpa. Unfortunately, Grandpa never got to see his grandson roaming the sidelines of his first game as the Leprechaun from a seat inside Notre Dame Stadium -- against, of all teams, Purdue. You see -- Grandpa had a better seat for this game. Diz and his family buried Grandpa -- last Thursday, two days before the Purdue game. Here's a link to a wonderful story -- you might have missed -- that aired last Friday on WNDU-TV and a story that ran when Diz was named the Leprechaun:



Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Notre Dame Coaching Staff to Honor Heroes...

To commemorate the ninth anniversary of the events that took place on 9/11/01 -- Brian Kelly & coaching staff will be wearing the Notre Dame Heroes Collection -- during this Saturday's game against Michigan. You can purchase the Heroes Collection in the Notre Dame Hammes Bookstore. Here's a link to purchase the official hat:


Biometric Sampling of Twins @ Notre Dame

Every August in a town in Ohio aptly named "Twinsburg" -- almost 2,000 sets of twins attend "The Twins Day Festival" -- which is generally regarded as the largest official gathering of twins in the world. And it's an event that researchers from the University of Notre Dame's Department of Computer Science and Engineering attend -- to do some field work! Notre Dame's Kevin Bowyer and Patrick Flynn spent the weekend in Twinsburg convincing sets of twins to sit at the center of a half-circle arc surrounded by five cameras which took high resolution color photographs from different angles. These volunteers also posed for iris and 3-D face imaging cameras. Flynn and Bowyer have been developing and assessing image-based biometrics and multi-biometrics technologies since 2001, including first-of-kind comparisons of face photographs, face thermograms, 3-D face images, iris images, video of human gait, and even ear and hand shapes. A biometric is a stable and distinctive physiological feature of a person that can be measured and used to identify that person; the fingerprint is the most familiar example. In the wake of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, federal agencies have become increasingly interested in the feasibility of facial and iris recognition technologies. Here's a link to Notre Dame's official release:


Michigan Week: Irish Upset #5 Ranked Michigan

It was the opening game of the 1998 season for the Irish against the 5th ranked Wolverines -- who were coming off of their National Championship season. Bob Davie's 22nd ranked Irish rolled over Michigan 36 to 20 that day -- a Wolverine team led by Tom Brady. Who's seen here fumbling after being sacked by the Irish. Here's a link to a video of the game highlights:


Last Day to Win Tickets to Saturday's Game!

If you'd like to enter the contest to win tickets to Notre Dame's game this Saturday against Michigan -- you need to get moving! The contest at Every Game Counts ends today - here's the link to enter a chance to win two tickets:


Montana Talks "Rudy" -- Did He Have To?

Former Notre Dame QB and Super Bowl Champion, Joe Montana -- was a guest on the Dan Patrick Radio Show this morning. The subject of "Rudy" came up and Joe's response, in essence, let everyone "behind the curtain." Did he have to do that? You take a listen:


Your Irish Women's BB Team @ Work!

There's a work-out called ZUMBA which is the "fusion" of Latin and International music -- that is becoming quite the rage -- and, has become part of the workout regiment for Muffet McGraw's Fighting Irish! Here's a link to a video of the girls hard at work (you'll find the video on the lower right hand portion of the web page, just scroll down) -- and a link to the ZUMBA website, just in case you want to try this at home!



Dayne Crist Needs OUR Vote!

The Davey O'Brien Award, given annually to the top college QB in America, is conducting an online vote for the first time this year. At present, all 120 projected starting QB's of NCAA FBS teams are on the ballot. Through the fan vote -- which counts for 5% of the total -- and the vote of the O'Brien Committee, 16 QB's will be named a "SEMI-FINALIST" which will be announced on October 25th. No Notre Dame QB has ever won this award -- it's time to change that!!! Click on this link to vote for Dayne!


ND's First African American Defensive Captain...

Larry Schumacher, a starting linebacker for the Irish in the 60's died Saturday at his home in East Orange, NJ. Schumacher played for Coach Parseghian. Here's a link to a story about his contributions to his home town:


Notre Dame Picked as "Worth the Price"

The University of Notre Dame was picked as one of the fifteen schools "Worth the Price" in higher education in the book “Higher Education? How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids – and What We Can Do About It.” The book written by Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus takes you on a tour of what’s horrible about today’s colleges. Hacker, a professor at Queens College, and Dreifus, who teaches at Columbia University, outline how colleges lost track of their primary mission: teaching college students. Instead, many professors negotiate to teach as little as possible, while the colleges lure students with expensive sports facilities, dorms and dining choices, pushing a four-year education at a private school to a quarter million dollars. Here's the list of the fifteen schools they believe are worth the price: Notre Dame, Harvard, Emory, Brandeis, Marquette, Hofstra, Florida Gulf Coast, Evergreen State, Western Oregon, University of Maryland - Baltimore County, Raritan Valley, Cooper Union, Linfield College, University of Mississippi and Arizona State. I noticed Dreifus didn't pick Columbia -- and Hacker didn't pick Queens College...they both must have "tenure."


Hodges Returns to Irish after Transplant!

Teddy Hodges (Salinas, KS) is back with the Notre Dame Fencing Team - less than one year after his heart transplant. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT! 365 days ago, Hodges was clinging on to life, after a virus attacked his heart causing two heart attacks in consecutive days. This was the news report on the blog a year ago: Teddy Hodges, a senor foil fencer on the Notre Dame varsity, is in a Kansas City hospital. He is suffering from a viral infection of the heart. He had two heart attacks in the last two days. He is on a machine that keeps his heart and lungs working while they rest the heart and decide on further treatment. He can open his eyes and move his arms and legs. Well, that further treatment was a heart transplant -- which took place on September 16, 2009. Yesterday, nine days short of the one-year anniversary of his new heart, Teddy Hodges joined his Irish teammates at practice. Here are a few news reports on Hodges return for his senior year at Notre Dame -- what a story:



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Coach Kelly's First Pre Game Speech @ ND!

Here's your chance to get inside the Notre Dame Locker room and see what Coach Kelly had to say to the Fighting Irish -- and his first trip down the steps to touch the PLAY LIKE A CHAMPION TODAY sign! Here's the link:


Reminder: Green Rules The Day!

This Saturday -- is "Wearin' of the Green" day at Notre Dame Stadium! Show you're behind Coach Kelly and the Fighting Irish by turning Notre Dame Stadium into a SEA OF GREEN @ Saturday's game against Michigan. Whether it's a green shirt, jacket or body paint -- it will all look the same from the field and on television sets all over the world. We need to extend the "GREEN OUT" beyond the Notre Dame student section!

PHOTO OF THE DAY: Swift at Notre Dame

Here's a photo of Taylor Swift, the country pop star, with some of her fans here at Notre Dame. The photo was taken last year when Swift visited Notre Dame with her brother Austin -- when he was a high school senior looking for a college to attend. (One of our visitors at ND GO IRISH BLOG was quick to point out when the photo was taken -- THANK YOU!) Swift was at Notre Dame this weekend to visit her brother Austin (a Notre Dame freshman) and to see a Notre Dame football game. Apparently, Taylor wanted to sit in the Notre Dame student section, but Notre Dame officials talked her out of that idea and she watched the game from the sidelines. Forbes magazine recently ranked the twenty-year old Swift as the 12th most powerful celebrity with earnings of $45 million in the past year.

Coach Kelly & His Team...

Brian Kelly gave "ALL ACCESS" to the cameras, into the Notre Dame locker room, after the Irish 23-12 victory over Purdue Saturday. Here's a video of Team Chaplain; Fr. Paul Doyle leading the team in the Our Father and Coach Kelly leading the singing of the Victory March. Click on the TOTAL ACCESS PREVIEW on the right -- good stuff!:


Michigan Week: A Notre Dame History Lesson!

Having been a resident of the State of Michigan for most of my life -- but an Irish fan since BIRTH -- I've always looked forward to these two weeks of the season when we play Michigan and Michigan State. Now, I must admit -- I like these two weeks a whole lot better when we win! So, to get us in the right frame of mind for these next two Saturdays -- I'm going to dig up some classic YOUTUBE video of great moments in these two games. First up, the 1980 game when Touchdown Jesus "stopped the wind" and little known Harry Oliver -- all "five foot nuthin" -- kicked a 51-yard field goal in the final seconds to give the Irish a 29-27 win over Michigan. Here's the link to the last minute of the game -- with a bonus radio call of the kick from Tony Roberts. A MUST WATCH TODAY:


ND Fans: A Reason to Consider Buying an iPad

NBC Sports just gave every Notre Dame fan in the world a reason to buy an iPad. An iPad app for Notre Dame Football. What's the line... "I have an app for that" -- well, Irish fans this may be the app of the year! The app offers a pretty thorough set of ways to follow the team’s season, including a complete schedule, news, live scores, video clips including recaps and interviews, team stats, roster, photo galleries, Twitter updates and a display of the “Inside the Irish” blog. Of course, the app also allows you to pay for live streaming of home game for either $5.99 for the entire season or $1.99 per game. The two coolest features come in the form of notifications. On game day, you can set the app to remind you of the game – by playing the Notre Dame fight song. Then during the game, the app offers push notifications every time there is a score. Now, if we can talk NBC into "giving away" iPads as a promotion for Notre Dame fans -- we may have something here! Here's a link to more information on how to download the app:


Monday, September 6, 2010

A ND Drummer's Fifteen Minutes of Fame...

A member of the University of Notre Dame's Band of the Fighting Irish's famed Drumline -- made one of the more memorable entrances in the Band's 123 year history of marching at Notre Dame Football games -- this past Saturday. Here's a link to a video that may very well become YOUTUBE legend for this band member:


The Band of the Fighting Irish

Shot this video this Saturday at the Notre Dame vs. Purdue football game of the greatest band in the land - The Band of the Fighting Irish! Enjoy!


Wear Your Green This Saturday!

Some Notre Dame fans online are suggesting a "GREEN OUT" at Notre Dame Stadium for this Saturday's game against Michigan. I believe it's a great idea and I'm going to be asking my gang of sixteen -- who are all sitting in the Michigan section by the way -- to WEAR GREEN ON SATURDAY! So, whether it's green clothing or green body paint -- GET YOUR "KELLY" GREEN ON this Saturday!

A Notre Dame Marriage Proposal...

Former Notre Dame Cheerleader, Kristi Murphy received a great surprise this Saturday prior to the Notre Dame vs. Purdue game. Kristi's boyfriend, Mike Iaquinta dropped to one knee and proposed to Kristi in front of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the Notre Dame campus -- and in front of the WNDU-TV cameras! Here's a link to the WNDU-TV story:


NBC's Lovin' Brian Kelly: Ratings up 77%!

The Notre Dame vs. Purdue football game Saturday's preliminary rating was up 77 percent from last year's opener. NBC said Sunday that the Fighting Irish's 23-12 win over Purdue drew a 2.3 overnight rating and 6 share. The 2009 opener against Nevada earned a 1.3 rating and 3 share. A big thank-you to Jim Conway, Jr. '69 -- for sending me an email alerting me to this fact. Here's a link to the ESPN Blog story:


Replay of Notre Dame vs. Purdue

If you were at the game Saturday and like me -- forgot to set the DVR to record the game. Or, you had other conflicts and were unable to see the game on TV -- you still have options! NBC Sports' website has the entire broadcast archived for you to watch at your leisure. Photo courtesy of South Bend Tribune. Here's the link:


Dayne Crist's Irish Debut

University of Notre Dame QB, Dayne Crist, made his Irish debut this Saturday against the Purdue Boilermakers. Crist went 19 for 26 and 205 yards -- and a TD pass. Here is Dayne's postgame comments:


Irish Basketball on Football Saturdays

For those of you fortunate enough to be on campus for a Football Saturday at Notre Dame -- and you're looking for something to do before kick-off -- you might just want to stroll over to the Purcell Pavillion and catch the Irish basketball team in action. It's become tradition that the Men's and Women's Notre Dame basketball teams play "pick up" games on either the arena floor or THE PIT -- their practice court in the basement of the Joyce Center on Saturday mornings. This past Saturday we found the Irish Men's team playing in the "Pit" because the arena floor had a large stage occupying it. And, while we were there we saw former Irish stars; Chris Quinn (New Jersey Nets) and Luke Harangody (Boston Celtics) watching the action. You can typically find them playing between 10 AM and Noon on most football Saturdays. Here's a link to some of the action from this Saturday's open gym:


He Loves Notre Dame...

It was 29 years ago this week that Gerry Faust was to embark on what he expected to be one of the great coaching runs in the history of Notre Dame football. Why wouldn' he? He had just left Archbishop Moeller High School in Cincinnati after winning 178 of the 203 games he coached. He led the Crusaders to seven unbeaten seasons, four national prep titles, and five Ohio state titles in his last six seasons at Moeller. Well, if only Gerry could have kept his coaching career to one game at ND -- he would have retired on top. If you recall, Faust's Irish beat LSU in his first game as coach. The 27 - 9 Notre Dame victory over LSU (on September 12, 1981) combined with Minnesota's upset of then top ranked Michigan -- vaulted the Irish to the #1 ranking in the country. Unfortunately, Michigan was next on the schedule and Schembechler's Wolverines beat Notre Dame that week 25 - 7 -- and the honeymoon was over. Gerry did have some moments at Notre Dame in his five-year career; a win over #1 ranked Dan Marino led, Pitt Panthers in 1982, a 52 - 6 win over Purdue to start the 1983 season -- but a five-year career record of 30-26-1 led to his resignation. You can never deny that Gerry Faust loves Notre Dame -- and Notre Dame loves Gerry Faust. In fact, Coach Faust was at the Hammes Notre Dame Bookstore this past Saturday (for the umpteenth time) signing copies of his book The Golden Dream. I don't think we'll be seeing Bob Davie, Ty Willingham or Charlie Weis -- anytime soon -- signing copies of their book about their Notre Dame experience, sitting in the stands at Notre Dame games or walking the campus on a football Saturday. These days, Gerry works as a motivational speaker -- click on the link below to see him tell a very funny story at a conference. There's also two links below to a two-part feature that ESPN ran in 2007 on Gerry Faust's career at Notre Dame - A MUST SEE. Coach Faust, will always be a favorite to many Notre Dame fans. To prove my point, here's a photo taken this Saturday morning of an Irish fan on campus, just hours before kick-off of the Brian Kelly era.




Sunday, September 5, 2010


Looks like Notre Dame Football has a couple of new fans! Singers Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez, are seen here with their "IRISH ON" before yesterday's game at Notre Dame Stadium. Swift was in town to visit her brother Austin, who's a freshman at Notre Dame. Here's a link to a "gossip story" about Swift's visit to Rocco's for dinner last night. Photo courtesy of the South Bend Tribune.


Notre Dame Players on NFL "Bubble"

The NFL required each of their teams to make their final cuts, yesterday, to reduce their team rosters down to 53 players by the 4 PM EST deadline. Now, you can still get cut this week or picked up by another team -- as teams make their final roster adjustments leading into the NFL's opening weekend. Here's an update on a few of the players who played for Notre Dame this past season that were "on the bubble." Click on their names for story:

SAM YOUNG -- on Dallas Cowboys 53 man roster

ERIC OLSEN -- on Denver Broncos 53 man roster

SERGIO BROWN -- did not make New England Patriots final roster

KYLE MCCARTHY-- did not make Denver Broncos final roster

PAUL DUNCAN -- did not make Denver Broncos final roster

Farley Hall's Mascot!

Took this photo yesterday of "Farley" -- the official mascot of the University of Notre Dame's Farley Hall. Farley's Rector, Sr. Carrine Etheridge, IHM -- had Farley, in full uniform, taking in the scene in South Quad -- prior to yesterday's Notre Dame football game with Purdue. Where's Farley's helmet?


Coach Kelly's First Game at Notre Dame

It's a day he'll never forget, September 4th, 2010 -- the day he led his Notre Dame Football team, for the first time, into historic Notre Dame Stadium. Coach Kelly has experienced a number of "firsts" these past 9 months since taking over as the 29th coach in the history of Notre Dame football -- yet, they all pale in comparison to his first victory at Notre Dame. Here's a video -- taken from Section 14 -- of some highlights from the first game in the Brian Kelly era at Notre Dame -- enjoy:


A Historic "First" for Notre Dame Stadium

For the first time in the 123-year history or Notre Dame Football -- the Fighting Irish took the field for pre-game via the Notre Dame student section. Notre Dame Head Football Coach, Brian Kelly's Irish entered historic Notre Dame Stadium via Section 31 at approximately 2:40 PM EST. Here's a photo of Irish QB, Dayne Crist entering the Stadium and a link to a video of what it looked like from Section 14 as Notre Dame Football started a new tradition. Here's the link:


Video of Coach Kelly's "First" Walk to Stadium

Shot this video yesterday afternoon of Notre Dame Head Football Coach Brian Kelly and his Fighting Irish football team on their walk from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart to Notre Dame Stadium. One of the great traditions in college football. You have to wonder what Coach Kelly is thinking while experiencing this for the very first time as the Head Coach of the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. Here's a link to the video:


The Four Horsemen -- Ride Again @ ND!

Ran into these four "well dressed" Fighting Irish fans yesterday -- outside Notre Dame Stadium. Unfortunately, I didn't take their picture "Outlined against a blue-gray October sky..." I wonder where they left their horses during the game?

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Folks, I'm about five minutes away from leaving Motown on my way to Notre Dame and our seats in Section 14. For those of you sitting at home today - here's a few things you might want to do:

1. At 9 AM EST -- click on this link and listen to WSBT 960 AM's Notre Dame Football Show

2. At 11 AM EST -- click on this link and watch Notre Dame Stadium fill up and watch the Irish come out of the Student Section on to the field for pre-game warmups

3. At 2:30 PM EST -- click on this link and watch NBC's online pre-game show

4. And, at 3:41 PM EST -- watch the Brian Kelly Era begin on NBC or online


Friday, September 3, 2010

15,000 in South Quad for Pep Rally!

Have been following the "tweets" from those in attendance. One "tweeter" had the crowd at 15,000 for the Pep Rally. This photo was "tweeted" forty-five minutes before the Pep Rally started. Coach Kelly announced a brand new tradition for Notre Dame Football -- tomorrow, before warm-ups, the Fighting Irish will enter Notre Dame Stadium from the Students Section onto the field. Keep an eye out for -- I would suspect in the next 30 minutes they will post the video from the Pep Rally. Go Irish!

The Most Expensive Ticket in College Football!

I promise you, you will never guess which college football game this season is the "most expensive" in college football! Tickets to this game are going for $583 per seat. It's the Notre Dame vs. Army game at Yankee Stadium in November! CNBC did a story on the ten most expensive tickets to get -- and here's their ranking -- followed by a link to the story:

#10: Miami (FL) @ Ohio State: $374 per ticket
#9: Penn State @ Ohio State: $375 per ticket
#8: Alabama @ LSU: $401 per ticket
#7: Florida @ Alabama: $440 per ticket
#6: Florida @ Georgia: $460 per ticket
#5: Auburn @ Alabama: $471 per ticket
#4: Oklahoma @ Texas: $482 per ticket
#3: Michigan @ Ohio State: $519 per ticket
#2: Penn State @ Alabama: $524 per ticket
#1: Notre Dame vs. Army @ Yankeee Stadium: $583 per ticket


One That Got Away...

He's a freshman football player at UCLA, who most thought -- including his Mom -- that he would be wearing the gold helmet of Notre Dame tomorrow against Purdue. You see, Anthony Barr is the son of a former ND football player (Tony Brooks) and St. Mary's grad (Lori Barr) -- yet, he chose to stay close to home and play for the Bruins. The Los Angeles Times ran a story yesterday on Barr's decision to pick UCLA over Notre Dame. Here's the link:


Football Weekend @ Notre Dame: To Do List!

There's plenty to do Football Weekend at Notre Dame -- the fun begins today and runs through Sunday. Today's South Bend Tribune provides a "calendar" for ND Football fans -- see link below. And, don't forget to visit Notre Dame's GAME DAY SITE -- that link is below as well:



Take a Live Look at Notre Dame!

The University of Notre Dame's official website: -- has a number of LIVE webcams on campus that allows you to take a look "24/7" at Notre Dame. Webcams are pointed at the Main Building (Golden Dome) and Basilica, South Quad, Clarke Memorial Fountain and a couple of the computer labs on campus. Maybe we can convince someone at ND to point the South Quad webcam at today's Pep Rally! Here's a link:


Ara's Thoughts On Brian Kelly

Former Notre Dame coaching great, Ara Parseghian, was a guest this week on WSBT 960 AM's Weekday SportsBeat. Here's a link to the Parseghian interview:


Replay of The Brian Kelly Radio Show

In case you missed it last night, here's a link to a replay of Notre Dame Head Football Coach, Brian Kelly's first radio show from Legends. As you plan your future "Thursday evenings" during the Notre Dame football season, please note that The Brian Kelly Radio Show will air every Thursday night at 7 PM EST. If you'd like to attend in person, you'll want to get to Legends by 5:30 PM to get a seat. Here' the link:


It's Here: Football Weekend @ Notre Dame!

The 2010 Season kicks off tomorrow and I can't wait!!! For those of you fortunate enough to be on the Notre Dame campus today, here's a few of the activities you might want to take in: Walk Down The Tunnel at Notre Dame Stadium (10 AM to 3 PM) -- Trumpets in the Dome before The Band of the Fighting Irish's March Out (4 PM) in the Main Building -- Dillon Hall Pep Rally (6 PM) join the thousands (photo) in South Quad and Drummer's Circle -- Midnight, in front of the Main Building (Golden Dome). To get a look at all of the activities planned for Football Weekend at Notre Dame click on the link below to the ND Game Day site - it's good!:


Former Irish Star -- Pitching for Twins

Former Notre Dame All-American pitcher, Jeff Manship, threw four strong innings last night for the Minnesota Twins in their extra-inning loss to the Detroit Tigers (YEAH!). Manship entered the game in the 3rd after Twins starter Scott Baker complained of elbow pain. Jeff came in and gave up one run and struck out three in his four inning stint for Minnesota. On the year, Manship has a 2.38 ERA -- striking out 14 in his 22 innings pitched. Here's a link to his statistics:


ND Prof on Mideast Peace Talks in D.C.

University of Notre Dame Associate Professor of History and Peace Studies, Asher Kaufman says "very few believe" the talks in Washington D.C. yesterday between Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas will lead to peace. Yet, Kaufman does see some positives that could come from these talks -- and he should know. A member of the Notre Dame faculty since 2005, Kaufman previously taught at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and served as a research fellow at the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, leading its Middle East Unit. Here's a link to some comments Kaufman made yesterday:


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Only @ Notre Dame -- Seven of Them!

If you want to see seven Heisman Trophies -- the only place in the world where you'll see that many -- you'll now have to take a walk to the lobby of the Guglielmino Athletics Complex this weekend on the University of Notre Dame campus. Coach Kelly had the "Heismans" moved from the Monogram Room in Joyce to the "Gug." Football fans -- the GUG's main lobby will be open Friday and Saturday to see the Heismans. Chicago Tribune Notre Dame beatwriter, Brian Hamilton was kind enough to take this picture in the past hour and post it on Twitter. Thanks Brian!

Think Notre Dame Has Lost Its Luster?

Think again. This story in today's Salt Lake City Tribune speaks "honestly" to what it means for a college football program to schedule the University of Notre Dame. Here's the link:


Notre Dame Brings Credibility to BYU

Yesterday's announcement in Provo, UT that Brigham Young University was going "independent" in football -- did not go without significant influence from Notre Dame. Here's a link to a story in today's Salt Lake City Tribune in which the columnist now calls BYU "The Notre Dame of ESPN" and gives the announcement of BYU's six-game series with Notre Dame and the ESPN TV deal as all the credibility they need. Here's a link to a few of the stories on BYU following in Notre Dame's foot steps:



Notre Dame Talk -- Where to Find it Today!

We're approaching 48 hours to kick-off and if you're like me -- it's dominating your thoughts. So, to get you ready for Saturday's game against Purdue -- here are some "outlets" for Notre Dame fans to get their IRISH ON, all day long -- today! Just click on the links and you'll be led to the conversation! Don't forget -- The Brian Kelly Radio Show is tonight at 7PM EST -- and it's being broadcast LIVE from Legends on the Notre Dame campus.

From 8 AM EST to 12 PM EST:




Notre Dame vs. Purdue Preview

Notre Dame Videos

5 PM EST to 7 PM EST: WSBT 960 AM Weekday SportsBeat

6 PM EST to 8 PM EST: ESPN 1240 AM Notre Dame Radio Show

7 PM EST to 8 PM EST: The Brian Kelly Radio Show