University of Notre Dame Professor David Hyde and his team of researchers have been looking for ways to obtain and use stem cells that would be morally acceptable. The prevailing notion is that embryonic stem cells taken from living human embryos (babies), that have been aborted, are necessary for stem cell research. This practice is an obvious conflict for Catholics and all who believe in the dignity of every human life -- from conception to birth -- since human embryos are human beings and their intentional destruction is murder. Scientists have been arguing that adult stem cells are not as adaptable as stem cells from human embryos. Thankfully -- Professor David Hyde disagrees and he points to the research his team at Notre Dame has done that proves these adult stem cells are adapting quite well. They've been taking mature stem cells from more than 100,000 Zebrafish. "All the fish are anesthetized before they're treated and most of the treatments involved the use of extremely bright light, which kills off their rod and cone photoreceptor cells in the retina." Making the Zebrafish blind. They know the Zebrafish are blind because they don't swim away from predatory fish. However, after inserting adult mature stem cells back into the eyes of the Zebrafish -- their VISION IS RESTORED. Hyde says Zebrafish have a similar eye structure to humans. "So, we're ready to start to think about are the processes that we've identified in Zebrafish, are they working properly in humans? Or, is there something that is blocking their ability to function in humans, which would then correlate to the inability in human retina to regenerate," Hyde says. Can you imagine if Notre Dame can restore sight for those who are blind?! Sounds like something this University should be "FIGHTING FOR!!!" Thank you David Hyde! Here's a TV commercial Notre Dame produced to tell this story: