Folks, we've had a very tough run of games for our boys in the GOLD helmets. I'm sure many will say "seasons." Heck, in our last seven games -- we've lost six -- and the average loss is by 4 points. FOUR POINTS! Our last eight losses have all been by less than a TD.
Yet, we wake up this morning -- emotionally drained -- but, still PASSIONATE IRISH FANS!
Trust me, we're going to be rewarded -- for doing things right. USC can break the rules, the Gators can break the laws -- and win -- but, that's not winning in my book.
I've never been more confident -- than I am this morning -- that Coach Kelly will teach this team how to win again. BELIEVE! We've got a tough game coming up this week against Stanford -- great medicine for what transpired last night.
Being a Notre Dame fan is a
gift -- given to many of us by our; Grandparents, Parents, etc. Our foes will laugh at that statement -- only because they just don't know what it means to be a
NOTRE DAME FAN. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, could you ever root for another team? Not a chance! This is who we are...
It's time for the "millions" in the Notre Dame Family to gather "round' the table" and get behind our Irish. We Win and we lose -- AS ONE!