Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Replay: Interview of NASA's Mike Hopkins!


Notre Dame parent and NASA astronaut, Mike Hopkins joined us from the International Space Station today for this special interview.

It was awesome!  Enjoy!

Hey, Don't Miss This Today at 3:51 PM ET !!!

You are not going to want to miss this unique opportunity today at 3:51 PM ET -- we will be talking with Notre Dame parent and NASA Astronaut, Mike Hopkins.  Mike is currently orbiting earth in the International Space Station.

We will go LIVE at 3:51 PM ET and NASA tells us that Mike will join us at 3:55 PM ET sharp.  We'll then be able to talk with him until 4:22 PM ET --- when we'll lose the satellite signal from space.

Mike's son Lucas is a sophomore at Notre Dame -- and ironically, their orbit path will take them just north of campus, so we'll be able to see the Space Station at 8:44 PM ET and again at 10:22 PM ET -- tonight!

Watch the entire chat -- LIVE right here: