Our friends at Olive Garden offered to send the ND GO IRISH BLOG a $15 gift certificate -- redeemable at anyone of their more than 700 restaurants across America & Canada -- if we were to agree to let Notre Dame fans know about their "My Never Ending Pasta Bowl" promotion that's going on in their restaurants until October 10th. (We're going to use the gift certificate in a ND GO IRISH BLOG contest -- once it arrives). Here's the details on the "My Never Ending Pasta Bowl" promotion:
Head into your local Olive Garden an ask for the "Never Ending Pasta Bowl"
for $8.95. You'll get all of the pasta you could ever eat, along with your choice of 40+ pasta/sauce combinations. AND -- unlimited access to Olive Garden's garden salad or soup and breadsticks. I'm getting hungry just writing this!
In addition -- you can enter the
"Olive Garden Never Ending Pasta Bowl" -- Photo Contest for a chance to win a $25 Olive Garden Gift Card. To enter the contest, bring your camera (or use your cell phone) and take a photo of your Never Ending Pasta Bowl Experience -- then visit the Olive Garden's Facebook page -- link below -- and click on the CONTEST tab and share your photo and story. FYI: The closest Olive Garden to the Notre Dame campus (this is according to the Olive Garden PR people) is located at 3003 Brittany Street in Elkhart. Go Eat, Go Enter and Go IRISH!