Former USC Football Coach, John Robinson, was in town last week for his enshrinement into the College Football Hall of Fame. During his stay in South Bend he granted an interview with WNDU-TV. One of his stories was a classic. He recalls pulling up in their team bus to Notre Dame Stadium for the 1993 game. Robinson is the first guy off the bus, and he sees a nun standing there waiting to greet his team (so he thinks). Having gone to Catholic grammar and high school, Robinson immediately smiled and said "Hi sister, how are you?" The reaction wasn't what the coach expected.
"We're going to beat the hell out of you people today," the nun replied. Well, she was right! The Irish beat the Trojans that day 31 - 13. Sounds like Brian Kelly should track this nun down and have her stand at the Visitor's lockerroom door for every home game! Here's a link to the video interview: