Former Notre Dame All American and Heisman Trophy winner -- Tim Brown has joined ESPN. Brown will become an analyst for ESPN's "3D" telecasts of 13 football games this season, including the BCS Championship Game. ESPN launched a 3D Network in June -- with coverage of the June 11th World Cup Match between South Africa and Mexico. This network has been in the works for two years now, with the first football game "test" broadcast in 3D being the USC vs. Ohio State game this past season. ESPN has plans to broadcast 85 live sporting events in the next twelve months in 3D. So you'll want to check to see if your TV is 3D ready --
only 4% of the new TV's purchased in America in the past twelve months have this option. If it is, you'll need to buy some 3D glasses (they cost more than $100) and you'll need a 3D ready "top box" -- see link below for how to sign up for this network. If you don't have a 3D TV, ESPN has plans to broadcast some of these games in 3D movie theaters across the country. No word yet, if Notre Dame will be one of the team's on ESPN's schedule this year for 3D -- though I wouldn't be surprised if the USC game ends up in 3D. Brown's first game for ESPN's 3D network will be the September 6th matchup between Boise State and Virginia Tech.