Jimmy Small, Class of 2008 -- left the Notre Dame campus, two years ago, for the high banks of NASCAR. Small was recruited by NASCAR to join their Series Operations Team -- a pretty cool job for a kid right out of college. That's Jimmy pictured above with Adam Sandler and Kevin James -- these two were at Sunday's NASCAR Sprint Cup event at Michigan International Speedway , promoting their soon to be released film; 'Grown Ups.' One of Small's duties on "Race Day" is to direct all of the 'on-camera' appearances of celebrities engaged to perform, sing a National Anthem or give the command "Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!" Well, this Sunday, Jimmy was given the honor of "directing" Sandler & James in their 'now YOUTUBE legend' command to start your engines. As you watch the video -- you'll see Small's hand (in the lower right hand corner) directing these two characters. I'll leave the rest for your enjoyment.