Sunday, March 20, 2022

Thank You Notre Dame Men's Basketball...


The Fighting Irish gave us FIVE GREAT DAYS -- it's a shame it had to end...

Now, we wait to see how many of our seniors decide to come back for their COVID YEAR -- all will have that option if Coach Brey extends it to them.

Thank you to the SENSATIONAL SEVEN -- you gave us all you had these last 3 games.  It was fun to watch and if you come back, I think you've all learned we can win playing a little more to the basket on offense and we can play some defense!

Just need to hit the weights a little harder, work on driving to the basket, hanging on to the ball and finishing.  And, wouldn't it be nice if we added a few more players to the rotation next season.

Oh, would we all have loved seeing you guys take on Duke...

Next year!