Tuesday, November 23, 2010

UPDATED: ND vs. USC -- ABC Coverage Map

Here's the UPDATED (11/24) Coverage map for the ND vs. USC football game (Saturday @ 8 PM EST).  ABC MADE A CHANGE THIS MORNING!!! -- ABC JUST RELEASED THAT A FEW MARKETS ON THE EAST COAST WILL NOW BE GETTING THE ND vs. USC GAME;  New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh markets.  Approximately 46% of the country will now be receiving this game.  Here's hoping that still improves -- as ND fans across the country are putting pressure on ABC to broadcast the game.  If you reside in the "yellow area" of this map -- you won't see the game on ABC, but you can catch it on ESPN3.COM or ESPN GAMEPLAN (You must buy at least a "weekly package" which will run you $24.  Here are links to both -- click on the map to enlarge: