Monday, March 23, 2020

Notre Dame Day 2020 -- POSTPONED...

We made the decision today to postpone Notre Dame Day 2020 -- in the hopes we can find a way to reschedule it later this year...

We really had some GREAT stuff lined up for this year's broadcast.

It will be worth the wait!

From the ND Day Vault: Theismann with Book

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Notre Dame Wins National Title (Again) on TV

The folks at ESPN2 ran a four hour "replay" of Notre Dame's remarkable 2018 National Championship run last night...

Wasn't that fun!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Notre Dame Alum Provides an Interruption...

James Casto, a Notre Dame alum who hails from the Atlanta area -- just launched an online radio show called; HOME BY DARK "Live in Concert" -- last night...  IT IS LINKED BELOW.

Thought it would provide a wonderful interruption from all of the COVID-19 news -- as we self quarantine over these next few days.  Enjoy!

James also wrote a song called Grateful (video above) that is on the O'Neill Brothers' Spirit of Notre Dame album.  It's available for purchase at the Notre Dame Hammes Bookstore and a number of online music stores.


Relive "The Easter Basket Miracle" on ESPN2!

Replay: The Fighting Irish (of Notre Dame y'all)

Thursday, March 19, 2020

OT: An Old Friend Offers This Advice...

Thirty-five years ago,  I became friends with an aspiring Detroit Free Press sports writer by the name of Mitch Albom.  He was the "third roommate" in a house occupied by my brother Jay and another friend named Ken Droz.  Those were the days...

Mitch has since gone on to do great things. 

Albom penned this piece last week concerning a recent trip to the hospital to meet with his Doctor. Thought it offered up some good advice on "finding the positive" in this unique moment in time...