The Notre Dame Alumni Association announced that Brian Kelly would be attending a number of ND Alumni Association Events over the next six weeks. If you're a ND Fan in one of these areas, but not a ND Alum - please contact the respective Notre Dame Alumni Clubs about attending -- they're usually quite accommodating. Here's the schedule:
-April 26th: ND Club of Cleveland - Luncheon
-May 11th: ND Club of St. Louis - Dinner
-May 18th: ND Club of Cedar Rapids/Iowa City - Luncheon
-May 18th: ND Club of Denver - Dinner
-May 19th: ND Club of Fresno(Central CA) - Luncheon
-May 23rd: ND Club of Jersey Shore - Dinner
-May 24th: ND Club of Staten Island - Luncheon
-May 24th: ND Club of Mid-Hudson Valley - Dinner