Thursday, April 16, 2020

Colin Cowherd Interviewed Coach Kelly Today

A Photo I Took Today at Notre Dame's Grotto

Just click on the photo to enlarge...

I stopped by the Grotto of our Lady of Lourdes today to light a candle for a member of the Notre Dame family.  I always love to get this view with the Golden Dome in the background.  The cross you see (on the roof line) to the right is "new" to this view -- it's part of the new Corby Hall that is nearing completion. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Notre Dame Alum's Vatican Replica Build...

Fr. Bob Simon, a diocesan priest at St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Moscow, PA -- took ten months and used more than 500,000 LEGO pieces to build this replica of the Vatican...

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Brian Kelly Interviewed by NBC's Mike Tirico

This program was on the NBC Sports Network today...

Coach Kelly's interview begins at the 28:00 minute mark.

You may have to sign in to your cable provider to watch this online show:


A Holy Week Rosary with Fr. Jenkins, C.S.C.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Heaven's Baseball League's Newest Outfielder

Was caught off guard last night when I learned that my "second favorite Detroit Tiger of all-time" -- Al Kaline -- left for Heaven.  He played the game with such grace and class.

I feel like a just lost a little of my childhood...

The photo above is of Kaline sitting between Harvey Kuehn on the left and my Dad, Jim Small on the right.  It's a photo from Opening Day 1956 in the Tiger's dugout, Kaline was 21 years-old playing right field and my dad was 19, playing center field for the Tigers.  (You can tell who the California kid is in this picture -- all bundled up.)

Both (Kaline and my Dad) were "bonus babies" for the Tigers -- they are among the very few in baseball history who went straight from high school to the big leagues as 18 year-olds. 

Kaline did it in 1953, joining the Tigers immediately after his high school graduation from Southern High School (Baltimore, MD) -- and my Dad did the same thing in 1955, right after his high school graduation from Bellarmine College Preparatory (San Jose, CA).

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Coach Kelly Joins High School AD in Live Chat