Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Play of the Year for Notre Dame Football!

This is how far Notre Dame QB DeShone Kizer was from Durham Smythe's fumble at the goal line -- late in yesterday's game against Miami.

That's the Hurricane's Jamal Carter with the ball in his possession falling to the turf, with a teammate close by -- Kizer is at least FIVE YARDS AWAY.

Tell me -- how does DeShone Kizer end up with the football?

Notre Dame kicked the game winning field goal four plays later...

This is the PLAY OF THE YEAR!

Miami's Mark Richt Talks Loss to Notre Dame

Miami Hurricane Players Talk Notre Dame Loss

The Director of ESPN's "Catholic vs. Convicts"

Local TV Coverage of ND's Win Over Miami

Saturday, October 29, 2016

"When You Close Your Eyes on a Tackle..."

ACC Network: Notre Dame Beats Miami 30 - 27

Brian Kelly With the Media After Win Over Miami

Coach Brian Kelly -- the Rhythm is Lacking...

Jarron Jones Leads the Notre Dame Fight Song

A Win is a Win is a Win! -- ND 30 vs. Miami 27

Miami's Hype Video for Notre Dame Game

It's a different "Miami Brand" right now with Mark Richt...

Notre Dame's Latest "Fighting For" TV Spot

It's GAME DAY at Notre Dame! -- Beat Miami!

OT: Bill Murray's "Seventh Inning Stretch"

Friday, October 28, 2016

Red Wings' Head Coach Talks Domer Sheahan

Notre Dame & NFL Legend -- Alan Page

Notre Dame Wins ACC Women's Soccer Title!

The Fighting Irish won the regular season ACC title last night!

Alan Page Receives Moose Krause Award

Notre Dame & NFL All-Time Great -- Alan Page

Retired Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page '67 -- one of the greatest to ever wear the Notre Dame gold helmet -- is on campus today receiving the Moose Krause Distinguished Service Award from the Monogram Club.  I love the family photo on top!

He also found time to meet with the Fighting Irish Football Team.

Here's a couple of his comments -- courtesy of NBC's Kathryn Tappan -- from his talk with the team.  That's Kathryn pictured with Justice Page in the bottom photo.

"If you play too much to the level of your competition, you will never discover the greatest level that you can achieve yourself."


"What would I tell my 20 year old self? Don't take myself too seriously. Take what I do very seriously."